So I saw this movie trailer today. It was like the story of my life. Minus the ridiculously hott boy and living with my parents (although I won't rule that out...).
My brother, David, is coming into town tomorrow. I'm so excited. He's my favorite.
I was looking through random pictures today and came across this little gem. Nothing like a Sunday afternoon nap. I seriously have the cutest siblings ever. Really.
When I'm 80 years old and David dies (sorry Dave) I'll still remember the time he picked me up one day to go grocery shopping. I get in the car and he looks at me, smells the air, and asks "what's that nice smell?" Without missing a beat he goes... "OH, it's ME!" And then starts giggling like a little school girl. It was amazing...I guess you had to be there! :) So random.
Any who, I'm going to make this tomorrow. Because it looks delicious. And because I'm hungry. Stop judging me.